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Truffle Paddock

Pass The Truffle Honey 150gm


Our honey comes from the urban beekeeping specialists, Melbourne's own Rooftop Honey. Great on toast, crumpets and so much more. Drizzle over blue and white mould cheese, caramelise onions, create honeyed carrots, or baste your chicken for a perfect glaze. 

Add to cart 150gm $20


Our three truffle honeys are made by our friends Vanessa and Mat from urban bee-keepers Melbourne Rooftop Honey. “Pass the truffle honey” is a clear honey with slices of fresh truffle through it. Great on toast, drizzled over blue or white mould cheeses and superb when basting poultry and your favourite roasting vegetables. “Crème de la Crème” is a creamed honey which uses truffle pieces – it’s also great on toast or a cheese platter. Our “Black Gold” is a rich dark honey which includes 8 grams of truffle in each jar – the truffle is freeze dried and ground to a fine powder which is them folded through a rich dark honey. No one makes anything like these truffle honeys anywhere in the world. And we pay apiarists fair prices for high quality honey that isn’t adulterated like so many products on the shelves today.